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Thank you for your interest in the RICE Lab! We are always interested in growing our team! The RICE Lab strives to create a safe and supportive research environment for individuals from all backgrounds to engage in scientific inquiry. We collaborate as a team on research and value the insights individual team members bring to the research process. 

Join Us


Students in the lab use a diverse range of approaches, including mixed-methods, interviews, surveys, observations, and institutional data to answer questions in science education research. We expect all current and prospective team members to work collaboratively. Students interested in joining the lab for undergraduate or graduate research should contact Dr. Rice directly explaining their current education level, research interests, career goals, and motivation for joining the lab.

Prospective Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate research opportunities in the RICE Lab are available mostly during the academic year and during the summer when funding is available to support students. There are multiple ways for CSUSM students to gain professional development experience and be financially supported to engage in research on campus through the CTREE programs. Students that are interested in joining the lab should explore the lab website and read some recent publications. If you are interested in summer research, you should contact Dr. Rice in the late fall semester or early spring semester to ensure there is time to plan a research project and secure funding. 

Prospective Graduate Students

Graduate research opportunities in the Department of Biological Sciences at CSUSM require students to first reach out to a prospective advisor prior to applying to the Master's degree program (reach out in fall or early spring). Financial support for the Master's degree program at CSUSM is quite limited, but Dr. Rice will happily support students who want to apply for external funding through fellowship programs like the NSF GRFP (note this is not required to be a graduate student in the lab, just an opportunity!). Prospective graduate students in the RICE Lab are encouraged to read recent publications and reach out to Dr. Rice directly with a statement of research interests, ideas for a master's project, and most recent CV. 

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Address: 333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Rd San Marcos, CA 92096


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